Minimize Business Risks with “Partner” On-Call Network

How sure are you that you are about to buy the right business in the right way? Our loyalty is 100% for buyers. We don’t sell businesses.
Let us help you evaluate the deal that you are thinking about. Chances are you will discover a few things you didn’t know about how to minimize business risks. With “Partner” On-Call Network, you will be better able to negotiate that deal or skillfully make the right decision to find another one.
What if you don’t have a pending deal? We can introduce you to the best small and midsize businesses for sale. This increases your ability to buy the right business the right way.
We Are Business Buyer Advocates
See the extent of our know-how for the buy-side of transactions.
How to Prepare Yourself and Find the Right Business to Buy
How to Buy the Right Business the Right Way
How to Get ALL the Money You Want For Your Business Without Stealing It (USA Version)
How to Get ALL the Money You Want For Your Business Without Stealing It (Canada Version)
Never forget your lost income opportunity.
Irrationally deferring an M&A transaction presents at least two kinds of (avoidable) potential losses. (1) Missing out on buying the best opportunity that you’re going to find. (2) Lost income opportunity, which is what you would have earned every month longer it takes to complete your deal.
Tip: Search more effectively to find and complete better deals sooner.
Improve your search and dealmaking:
Schedule an hour of coaching with Ted Leverette, The Original Business Buyer Advocate ®
Email Ted J. Leverette, The Original Business Buyer Advocate ®. “Partner” On-Call Network, LLC
Achieve More Profitable Deals
Below are some of the topics that determine how to make a successful deal. We’ll show you what’s important and how to dig deeper.
- Historical Pretax Net Profit – Prior earnings usually are the most reliable guide as to the future expectancy. (IRS Revenue Ruling 59-60). Historical performance is important but not as important as where the business is going and how much profit it will earn.
- Terms of Sale – The provisions of the buy/sell contract; defining characteristics, elements and structure of the transaction.
- Continuity of Profit – Likelihood that the company will maintain its historical profit level without interruption into the foreseeable future, taking into account change of ownership, industry trends, etc.
- Competition – “Two guys are walking through the jungle when a lion appears on the path ahead of them. One of the two starts putting on a pair of running shoes. ‘Why bother with running shoes?’ says the first guy. ‘There’s no way you can outrun a lion.’ ‘Who said anything about outrunning a lion? says the second. ‘I just want to outrun you.’” Ichak Adizes
- Company Competitive Advantage – Warren Buffett says the most important thing he looks for when evaluating a company is its “sustainable competitive advantage.”
- Industry – There are no worst types of businesses, but a particular business may not be worth buying. You can make a street-smart business investment by acquiring a strong company in a temporarily troubled or declining industry.
- Company Growth: Actual & Potential – Some businesses are for sale because the owner does not want to make additional investments for more production capacity. Business buyers frequently overestimate the production capacity, only to discover after buying the business that it is under a low ceiling for growth.
- Evaluate Your Marketability – Don’t confuse marketability with value. What if too few buyers want to purchase the type of business you want to buy? You could pay a “fair” price only to discover that you can’t sell your business.
- Type of Company – Be open-minded. Just because a particular type of business appeals to you does not mean you should forego looking at others.
- Location – Location! Location! Location!
- Premises and Other Tangible Assets – How much will they contribute to or detract from the success of the company?
- Type of Management Company Requires from its Owner – Don’t underestimate the amount of oversight that it takes to manage a company. Owners of small businesses (except the one you want to buy) will tell you that “passive management” is an oxymoron.
- Intangible Enhancer to or Detractor from Value – Goodwill, ill-will, and intellectual property, are intangible. Don’t assume the business has goodwill. If a seller cannot present a buyer with a credible rationale for the value of the business’ goodwill, the buyer calls it blue sky. Then the argument begins. Don’t let goodwill mask ill-will.
- Economic Outlook – Local and national economy as it pertains to a company and its customers and its suppliers.
- Restrictive Agreements – Watch out for restrictive agreements, especially poorly conceived ones that invite unintended legal and tax consequences. The more severe the restrictions, the higher the (downward) adjustment to value.
Dealmakers for Buying the Right Business
I believe that the fatal flaw for too many dealmakers is in their misunderstanding of Competitive Advantage. It infects deals. It happens when the parties to the deal do not adequately put a price tag on or deduct a penalty for the elements that contribute to sustainable competitive advantages. I think I can prove this to you in my podcast.
Ted Leverette’s 43 minute podcast. The Fatal Flaw “Killing” Owners and Buyers.mp3
Ted Leverette can show you risks, which you don’t know about, and then tell you how to minimize or avoid them.
Email your contact info and the type and size of business (not its name) that you are trying to buy (i.e.: you’ve negotiated but not finalized the deal). Tell us the price you might pay.
We’ll reply with instructions, plus how-to info and then perhaps offer to help you assess your pending transaction.
We may also share with you details from our proprietary client reference guide: The Street-Smart Way to Buy a Business ®.
Click to see its cover and table of contents.
Supercharge Your Dealmaking Skills
- Read Blog Articles – For owners, buyers, and sellers of small and midsize businesses
- Watch Promo Video – This 2-minute video reveals what the savviest searchers do
- Listen to Podcasts & Webinars – Get street smart advice and superior results
- Sign up for Private Training – You will receive one-on-one business buyer training
Get ahead of other buyers competing with you: Searcher and Search Evaluation™
Hire Business Buyer Advocate Ted Leverette to educate and guide you through our Street-Smart 22-Step Acquisition Sequence™. It integrates our six advisory services essential to buyers: Preparing, searching, due diligence, financing, valuing, and dealmaking. We are not a business brokerage. We do not sell franchises or any kind of business.
Email Ted J. Leverette, The Original Business Buyer Advocate ® Since the 1970s. “Partner” On-Call Network, LLC