QofE Reports—Ripoffs, Risks, Misunderstandings

Quality of Earnings – Reports and Providers

Avoid Costly Mistakes in Business Acquisitions

Searchers/buyers are overpaying or getting incomplete Quality of Earnings reports.


Misunderstandings, about the reports and the service providers, are costly for Quality of Earnings and your financial security.


  • Realistic Quality of Earnings (?)
  • Providers of Reports
  • Who Wants/Needs QofE?
  • Issues Inadequately Addressed
  • Common Errors & Omissions
  • Differences: Diligence v. QofE
  • CYA Recommendations

Don’t let overpriced or incomplete reports sabotage your investment.

  • Arm yourself with street-smart insights to make informed decisions and secure lucrative deals.

Read my revealing report, thoroughly.

Watch my entire how-to video, which covers more information than my PDF.

Use my report and its accompanying video to independently manage your financial strategy.
It provides guidance for DIY, so you can eliminate/defer the need for QofE advisory services.

Actionable checklist:

  1. Learn
  • Read my report, thoroughly.
  • Watch my entire how-to video.
  1. Self-Manage Finances
  • Self-assess your financial situation, and the apparent financial condition of your target company.
  • Postpone hiring QofE advisory services unless critical.
  1. Conduct Initial QofE Analysis
  • Handle the initial quality of earnings analysis yourself.
  1. Discuss your findings with stakeholders and potential lenders.
  • Try to conduct further research to satisfy their requirements; ask them for specifics.
  • If they demand an independent quality of earnings evaluation and report, ask them for recommendations of service providers.
  1. Evaluate and hire QofE Providers
  • Use Ted Leverette’s report and video to assess and specify scope of work of potential QofE service providers.
  • Don’t fully pay for the report unless or until it complies with the scope of content that you and your potential lender/investor requires.
  1. Communicate with Lenders and Stakeholders
  • Discuss the QofE findings with lenders and stakeholders.
  • Clarify/verify the QofE report requirements and due diligence needed for loan/investment approval.

Remember: Employ my report and video as a benchmark to evaluate prospective QofE providers.

I do not offer nor prepare QofE reports.

That’s why you can trust me. I will expand your understanding. You’ll learn how to see pitfalls, and how to identify/evaluate reliable resources.

  • I’ve been collecting the reports for a long time; some impressive; most lacking; most too expensive for what the buyers got.
  • If you need help, email Ted J. Leverette, The Original Business Buyer Advocate ®.

Not sure?

Watch this:

2-Minute Video Reveals What The Savviest Searchers Do

Preview my books:

120 Financial Lifelines for Small Businesses

How to Prepare Yourself and Find the Right Business to Buy

How to Buy the Right Business the Right Way—Dos, Don’ts & Profit Strategies

21st Century Entrepreneur Ideas for Kids and Aspirational Adults (Complimentary)

How to Get ALL the Money You Want For Your Business Without Stealing It (USA and Canadian versions.)