Hourly coaching and guidance: $250
We’ll confirm your order by email by the end of the next business day, and suggest how we can proceed.
These are the most frequent topics requested for private coaching:
- What will be (and should be) the first impression I make when I contact brokers and owners of business for sale?
- What if the seller signs my letter of intent, but afterwards the company cannot justify the price I offered in the LOI?
- What will be the first impression on buyers who evaluate my company for sale?
Besides hourly consultations, Ted J. Leverette, The Original Business Buyer Advocate ®, is also available to you on the basis of one or more projects, such as helping you prepare and expedite your successful progress through deciding upon your acquisition criteria, search, due diligence, financing, valuation, negotiations, and post-completion transition.
His books detail the scope of what needs to be done for all phases of search and dealmaking:
How to Prepare Yourself and Find the Right Business to Buy
How to Buy the Right Business the Right Way—Dos, Don’ts & Profit Strategies
How to Get ALL the Money You Want For Your Business Without Stealing It (USA and Canadian versions.)
How well are you “selling” yourself to owners/sellers of companies?
Or to potential lenders or investors?
How about assessing the potential for a deal before you invest much time or money evaluating it?
Begin by purchasing one-hour of on-call coaching and guidance. We’ll collaborate via email, phone and/or Zoom, depending on which works best. It’s not necessary to consume our entire time commitment during any communication. We might, for example, exchange a couple of emails and then a Zoom conference. Time remaining will remain available to you for later.
Disappointment and frustration are normal for people trying to find worthwhile businesses to buy.
And it is unnecessary.
- More than half of the searchers asking for Ted Leverette’s Searcher and Search Evaluation learn that their search methods and tools are defective.
- Most of them misallocated their dealmaking funds and/or they must adjust their investment objective to more realistically fit marketplace realities.
Discovering this early is better than getting blowback from brokers, sellers, investors and sources of financing.
This webpage shows one way we can help you better-prepare to search for companies for sale (and/or attract investors) so you can buy the right business the right way.
If you have not already done so, get our Searcher and Search Evaluation™ before you (further) expose yourself on the playing field.
“60 minutes of pure gold! Ted’s feedback for the Searcher and Search Evaluation caused me to rethink the way I will position myself as a business buyer.”
— Michael BennettIt’s like fishing with dynamite, thanks to your evaluation and suggestions to refocus and improve my search methodologies.
— Robert ConnellyThank you again, Ted. Our conversation yesterday has helped us rethink our strategy.
— Stephane LewisTed, thank you for conducting the Searcher and Search Evaluation on my current efforts. You delivered both strategic and tactical value that will change my search process. Strategically, your explanation of the need to ensure congruity of all parts of my search process was invaluable. I now understand that my search is a multi-targeted marketing campaign. Further, that each tool in my search process and every contact with owners either builds upon the next success or tears down the effort.
Tactically, you delivered practical, but blunt feedback on each of the search steps where I provided information and I appreciate your delivery. I now know what aspects won’t work and can make the appropriate changes to match the strategy. Finally, at each step today, you provided insightful commentary that has served as seasoned advice to help me become better informed. Thanks Ted!
— Terry Morehouse
Hire Business Buyer Advocate Ted Leverette to educate and guide you through our Street-Smart 22-Step Acquisition Sequence ™. It integrates five services essential to buyers: Search, due diligence, financing, valuation and dealmaking. We are not a business brokerage. We do not sell franchises or any kind of business.