Podcasts & Webinars

Don’t blame me (please). I’m the messenger. But if you’re going to object, I hope you first read the reviews by attorneys, searchers and others at the bottom of my webpage.

This  presentation is for you, searchers. And brokers, sellers, buyers, advisors, lenders, too.

  • See it and then let’s Zoom to talk about it.


Our YouTube Channel

Increase your competitive advantages with Ted Leverette’s books on Amazon.

Covid & Financial Crisis Affecting Business Opportunities

Breaking news and recommendations for people buying and selling small and midsize businesses.

  • Candid street-smart and somewhat controversial information.

2021 Insights for Business Sellers and Buyers

What’s happening and coming during the pandemic and financial crises? Seeing the opportunity and not . . . by John Martinka, The Escape Artist ® and Ted Leverette, The Original Business Buyer Advocate ®.

How Buyers Think–And How Owners Use the Buyer View to Prepare & Sell Their Small or Midsize Company

Answers to 20 questions, from one of our most popular seminars. This is definitely not for the faint of heart. No sugar coating, kumbaya language. It’s what you need to know before entering the dealmaking field. If you want to avoid unnecessary trouble and costs.

What Business Owners Need to Know and Can Do Now for When It’s Time to Sell Their Company

Owners selling their business either exit their way or the way their buyer prefers. Exit Planner Jane Johnson and Ted Leverette, The Original Business Buyer Advocate ®, talk about how SMB owners can sell more profitably and quickly with less risk.

Legal Risks and Realities Amplified by the Global Pandemic and Financial Crises

Akbar Ali, Partner – Managing Director, Ali Legal, shares timely insights on several topics, all of which pertain to legal risks and exposures facing searchers and buyers. These are some of the things searchers can try to detect early when considering SMBs for sale. Especially now, during the crises and then later during the recovery.

Nondisclosure agreements (NDA)

Material Adverse Changes (MAC) occurring during dealmaking, especially after offer and acceptance?

Force Majeure

Insurance for business interruption / loss of profit

Reps & Warranty insurance.

Dealmaking Discussion: Ted Leverette and Henry Campbell Jones

Ted J. Leverette, The Original Business Buyer Advocate ® and business broker, Henry Campbell-Jones, of Hornblower Business Brokers Ltd, explain two done deals, how win-win deals get done and then become even better for the buyers.

Timely Due Diligence Questions to Detect Risk and Opportunity During the Crises

Update on what’s happening and what might happen for people wanting to buy and sell SMB’s in the context of our global pandemic and financial crises. I’m telling my clients to put aside their questionnaires, even the questions we’ve used for years to get to the truth. Refocus your scope for due diligence during a troubled market and ask these innovational 25 questions to probe for the truth.

New Realities for the SMB M&A Marketplace

Are you adequately evaluating the new marketplace realities arising from the global financial and medical crises?

Isn’t now a good time to pause and update what you know, and to reconsider what you want to achieve, especially if you want to buy or sell small and midsize businesses?

Such as reasonable expectations for pricing and the other terms of sale/purchase? (What about post-closing/completion?)


Free Listen & Learn Podcasts

Listen to them on YouTube or Google Drive. Or download them from there.

This 2-Minute Video Reveals What The Savviest Searchers Do


LISTEN to my 6-minute interview with a searcher whose deal cratered:

You’ll hear:

  • why he (after devoting considerable attention and time) withdrew his LOI
  • how to more-flexibly craft an LOI
  • a way to anticipate and prevent some of the most deal-killing actions by sellers
  • an idea to mitigate the risk of “potential”
  • some tips to better-prepare for interactions between buyers and sellers.

You, too, are invited to privately communicate with me about what’s obstructing or bothering you while trying to buy or sell a business. We can make a podcast out of it, keeping confidential your identity. And you’ll benefit from complimentary guidance from me in return for participating. Let’s talk about it.

Pitfalls and Opportunities for Valuing Small and Midsize Businesses
I and business appraiser and dealmaker, Howard Weston, discuss valuation/pricing pitfalls and mistakes. We explain avoidance tactics and workarounds. What’s the price? What’s it worth? Why? People wanting to buy or sell businesses must get this right, or there no deal or a bad deal. And, for wishful thinking sellers, it means unnecessarily exposing and risking their trade secrets and other sensitive, confidential information.

My interview of M&A transaction attorney, Justin Daniels:
How cyber security risk affects owners and buyers of small and midsize businesses.

Questions to Nourish Dealmaking While Uncovering the Truth and Get What You Want (10 min.)

How People Wanting to Buy a Business Strangle Their Opportunity (28 min.)

The Street Smart Way to Buy a Business.mp3 (39 min.)

When it is Not Practical to Buy a Business, Start a Business (10 min.)
Listening might inspire you and yours to be a business owner. Why? Because so many young people and adults want to find their way out and up from the economic quagmire that is stifling them. This podcast relates to our free 15-minute-read booklet: “21st Century Entrepreneur Ideas for Kids and Aspirational Adults.”

For Sellers

Pros and Cons of Selling a Business By-Owner (40 min.)


Are you a recognized leader in your industry or profession?

Do you want to share info that is unique and valuable to our respective audiences?

Please email Ted Leverette about showcasing our respective capabilities in a podcast or TeleSeminar.

  • People do NOT pay to be publicized by us or on our website.

Hire Business Buyer Advocate Ted Leverette to educate and guide you through our Street-Smart 22-Step Acquisition Sequence ™. It integrates our six advisory services essential to buyers: Preparing, searching, due diligence, financing, valuing, and dealmaking. We are not a business brokerage. We do not sell franchises or any kind of business.

Improve your search and dealmaking:

Schedule an hour of coaching with Ted Leverette, The Original Business Buyer Advocate ®

Email Ted J. Leverette, The Original Business Buyer Advocate ®. “Partner” On-Call Network, LLC



The opinions Ted Leverette expresses are solely his own and do not express the views or opinions of our colleagues or the professionals with whom we network. Likewise, the opinions and advice appearing on or accessible from this website, attributed to others, are theirs and may not be consistent with Ted Leverette’s.

Your access to, use of and reliance on our website and services and content accessed through our website and services is entirely at your own risk. Our website and services (including, without limitation, the website, programs, services, forums and content accessed through the website, programs, services and forums) is provided on an “as is” or “as available” basis without any warranties of any kind.

All express and implied warranties (including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement of proprietary rights) are expressly disclaimed.