Monthly Archives: January 2023

Employees: The Biggest Risk For Business Buyers And Sellers

Taming Problematic Employees & Employers? (Behaviors & Expectations) The resources on this webpage support my series on YouTube: “Why Employees Are The Biggest Risk For Business Owners, Sellers, Buyers.” Don’t misunderstand. Employees are the biggest risk. And, it does not have to be your risk. If you want to buy a business, you can avoid […]

Searcher Marketing Plan to Find Business Acquisitions

Searcher Evaluation and Marketing Plan to Find Worthwhile Business Acquisitions What’s your competitive advantage to avoid or beat your buyer competition, and to quickly, safely, and profitably uncover the best businesses to buy? 2-Minute Video Reveals What The Savviest Searchers Do How well are you “selling” yourself to owners/sellers of companies? And besting your buyer […]