You’re in control. Or they are. (Emotional) Questions to Uncover the Truth and Get What You Want These questions are for negotiating, especially when the other side is not delighted with your requests or proposals. Advising or buying a business? If you don’t get this right . . . negotiating . . . right from […]
Brokers don’t represent all sellers. Why settle for some of the businesses for sale . . . when you can access all of them? The hidden market is where to find unadvertised businesses for sale by-owner (or could be for sale to buyers who properly approach and interact with owners) . . . with less […]
The most successful buyers begin with two advantages over competing buyers: They know that buying a business is all about search. This 2-Minute Video Reveals What The Savviest Searchers Do They thoroughly research before searching: One of the most important research tasks for people wanting to buy a SMB is to check out pricing ratios […]
Prepare for Sale—and Sell—Small & Midsize Companies How Buyers Think–And How Owners Use the Buyer View to Prepare & Sell Their Small or Midsize Company Answers to 20 questions (see the list below), from one of our most popular seminars. This is definitely not for the faint of heart. No sugar coating, kumbaya language. […]
“Playfully serious!” FREE It’s priceless! Podcast: When it is Not Practical to Buy a Business, Start a Business (9:48 min.) Listening might inspire you and yours to be a business owner. Why? Because so many young people and adults want to find their way out and up from the economic quagmire that is stifling them. […]
The opportunity that vanished for businesses, towns and people along Route 66 is happening today to tens of thousands of profitable small and midsize companies in the best local economies, thanks to missteps by advisors, business brokers and potential business buyers. Keep reading for street-smart insight into opportunity lost and how, today, astute people gain […]
Savvy Buyers Level Their Playing Field The most valuable brokers for sellers are the best at creating business buyer competition. The smartest owners will seek out those brokers, and verify their ability to cause buyers to bid against one another. All the other bells and whistles that business brokers pitch to perspective listings won’t make […]
How to Prepare Yourself and Find the Right Business to Buy 285 Dos, Don’ts & Profit Strategies and 6 Checklists This 2-Minute Video Reveals What The Savviest Searchers Do Poorly prepared people, who cannot show their advisors worthwhile deals, are the #1 reason why attorneys, accountants, lenders and other others kill deals or have trouble […]
How to Buy the Right Business the Right Way— 296 Dos 273 Don’ts 93 Profit Strategies 203 Negotiating Tips ™ Paperback and Kindle editions: 2-Minute Video Reveals What The Savviest Searchers Do I don’t believe the how-to books and seminars pitching buy-a-business for $1 or no money down. It’s not that those get-rich-easy-with-no-risk […]
Amazing, I read down the list and saw many of the techniques I have used over the years and currently. Some, or most, probably came from reading your tips over the years. Good work and very helpful to those of us who follow you. I currently have investors interested in our technology company and asking […]
More than 300 people signed up for this TeleSeminar. You can hear it free, below. Pros and Cons of Selling a Business By-Owner. (The agenda and the link to the audio recording is on the bottom of this webpage.) I’m Ted Leverette, The Original Business Buyer Advocate ®. What I know about sellers and selling […]
2-Minute Video Reveals What The Savviest Searchers Do Are you an advisor to buyers or are you trying to buy a small or midsize business? The hidden market of businesses for sale is where up to 80% of the mature, profitable and fairly priced small and midsize businesses are quietly for sale by-owner. Few of […]
Insights Savvy Business Buyers MUST Detect from Employees of Companies for Sale Employees can be the buyer’s BEST reality check. Too many buyers are fooled by employees working for businesses for sale. LISTEN to my 5-minute interview with a searcher whose deal cratered: You’ll hear: why he (after devoting considerable attention and time) withdrew his […]
Bill of Rights for Buyers of Small and Midsize Businesses THE PROBLEM FOR BUYERS OF BUSINESSES Too many potential buyers of small and midsize businesses do not know what is fair and reasonable during their interaction with business sellers, business brokers, M&A intermediaries, professional service providers, sources of financing and other people and organizations they […]
Ted Leverette coined another phrase: SillyCom Valley. With the emphasis on silly. (So funny it makes some people cry.) Coming soon,, but meanwhile . . . After decades of the news media building up and bloviating about the wonders of Silicon Valley tech firms and their visionary people, get ready to see a […]
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